June 23-28, 2025
In consideration of the opportunity to join the Pendleton Round-Up Wagon Train, I expressly agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns that the Pendleton Round-Up Association, their Board of Directors, Stockholders, the Pendleton Round-Up Wagon Train, their committee under the director, shall not be liable under any circumstances whatsoever, whether or not negligence is involved, for either my death, personal injury, or loss or damage to my property occurring while traveling to, from or during the Wagon Train or in any other places in connection with the trip.
I further acknowledge the application of ORS 30.687 et. seq., ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES, including but not limited to ORS 30.961, to my participation in the Wagon Train and acknowledge the limitation of liability which protects the Round-Up Association, Inc, their affiliates, Board of Directors and event organizers, and limits their liability for injuries to persons and property that may arise from or be associated with the risks inherent in equine presence and use in the Wagon Train. As a condition of my participation in the Wagon Train, I hereby waive for myself and any group or entity I represent the right to bring an action against any of the sponsoring entities and event organizers named herein for any injury or death arising out of riding, driving, grooming, or riding as a passenger in any equine driven form of transportation or upon an equine.
I hereby certify that I am physically and mentally capable to perform all of the physical requirements specified and that I have no physical limitations or impairments that would endanger me or others. I acknowledge that despite this certification, Pendleton Round-Up Wagon Train Committee may, in their sole discretion, refuse me participation in any part of said trip if any such personnel deem me physically or mentally incapable of performing any of the requirements.
What is included with your fees:
Dinner Monday thru breakfast Saturday, hay and water (water is likely from a pond or stream) for your animals, and beverages. Porta-Potties will be on site and garbage bags will be provided.
Showers are available for an additional fee paid on site, bring CASH.
By accepting the Rules & Guidelines, and Waiver/ Hold Harmless, you are agreeing to accept these on behalf of all participants you are registering below.